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Abused and indigent women in India give bags a makeover – and in turn regain the selfesteem they had lost.
Carry a bag – carry a human being. For the project MADE (IN)DIA, ARTHELPS visited a sewing school in Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) that prediminantely teaches and employs women coming from poor backgrounds. Some of them have been abused, others have to feed their families alone because their husbands spend their earnings on alcohol and drugs.
Together with the women living in a nearby fishing village, they designed motives and then sewed the bags by hand. The fact that the women were given the responsibility to create something had a huge impact on them: they opened up, spoke about their fears and found new friends.
Chennai / Indien

Katharina Geörger
Thomas Lupo
Tassilo Gutscher
With every bag that’s sold, more opportunities are created for the women in India. The sewing school wants to improve the working conditions, create new professional opportunities and support new and exciting projects.